Behind the scenes Ovation shines.
We see no play or actor’s lines.
The drama is played out backstage:
romance and deals and even rage.
It’s Maggie Chase acting again.
But wiser now than she was in
two former films about her goal
to be a star in every role.
Instead of film, she’s in a play --
and winning praise, but should she stay?
An offer for a TV show
has come her way, so should she go?
She’s fallen for a TV guy
who hopes she’ll give TV a try.
But cast and crew depend on her.
They may be hurt by this new lure.
Tanna Frederick is great again.
Many more fans she’ll surely win.
Henry Jaglom directs with care
and adds a twist that few would dare.
James Denton plays the TV guy
who looks so fine and makes me sigh.
A mystery also appears.
Where is the man who disappears?
Still, Shakespeare said back in the day,
or should have said, “The thing’s the play!”
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