Sunday, December 13, 2015

Mark Clark and Star Wars FAQ

Get ready for Star Wars: The Force Awakens by listening to Movie Addict Headquarters on December 15. That’s when  Mark Clark drops by to talk about his fascinating book, Star Wars FAQ: Everything Left To Know about the Trilogy That Changed the Movies. Mark is an author and film historian who writes about classic movies and TV shows. His latest book tells a story as thrilling and action-packed as the movies themselves, with bold characters facing apparently insurmountable odds. It’s full of frantic chases, narrow escapes, daring victories and tragic setbacks culminating in an unlikely triumph that changed the course of the galaxy -- or at least Hollywood.  
Mark’s previous works include Sixties Shockers: A Critical Filmography of Horror Cinema as well as books about Star Trek and essays for Science Fiction America: Essays on Sci-Fi Cinema. He is a graduate of the University of Louisville and a former film critic for the Louisville Courier-Journal.

“Star Wars FAQ with Author Mark Clark” airs on BlogTalkRadio at 4 p.m. Eastern Time (1 p.m. Pacific Time) on Tuesday, December 15, 2015. An archived segment will also be available. During the live show, listeners are invited to call in and to participate in a chat. 

May the Force Be with You!

CALL-IN NUMBER: 646-478-5668
HOST: Betty Jo Tucker
CO-HOST: A.J. Hakari
PRODUCER: Nikki Starr


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