Wednesday, December 02, 2015

Two Romantic Christmases

Showbiz stars George and Lizette Bettinger made two Christmases from the past come to life again on Movie Addict Headquarters yesterday. These talented actors read the first chapter of IT HAD TO BE US, a romantic memoir now in the early stages of film development. They play co-authors Harry and Elizabeth Lawrence in this special audio version of Chapter One, which deals with how two holiday seasons help the estranged Lawrences begin a journey back to each other after being divorced for almost twenty years.

IT HAD TO BE US won first place in the Ebook category at the Hollywood Book Festival for its potential to be transferred to other mediums such as film, radio and TV. With the help of BlogTalkRadio listeners during the launch of the Kinle version three years ago, the memoir hit Number One in the “Divorce” category for Kindle Ebooks,  and filmmaker Misha Zubarev has completed the screenplay.  

The Bettingers display their passion for bringing back the Golden Era of radio on their popular “Mom & Pop Shop Show” which airs on Dreamstream Radio each Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4 p.m. Eastern Time. George is an actor, comedian, producer, writer and director. He’s won acclaim for his uncanny impressions including Groucho Marx, George Burns and the Three Stooges but may be best known as the voice of the red M&M. Lizette is a versatile actress and soprano singer with experience at the Metropolitan Opera. George and Lizette are truly Mr. & Mrs. Showbiz!

Harry and Elizabeth Lawrence donate their author royalties from IT HAD TO BE US (published by the Long Story Short Publishing Company) to the IMAGINATION LIBRARY, a children’s literacy program sponsored by the Dollywood Foundation.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Harry & Elizabeth Lawrences are the pen names my husband and I used in writing IT HAD TO BE US.


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