
Saturday, November 30, 2019

First Place Win for Cinema Stanzas Two

I received a big surprise right before Thanksgiving when I learned that CINEMA STANZAS TWO: Poet Laureate of the Movies received First Place in the E-Book poetry category at the 2019 Royal Dragonfly Book Award contest. 

Thanks to the judges as well as to my publisher Denise Cassino for her magical touch, to Richard Jack Smith for his great Foreword, to Brian T Shirley for his fun cover rhyme, and to all my friends who supported this project by purchasing the book or reviewing it or commenting on it or giving me permission to use their quotes in our PR campaign or simply cheering me on.  

I feel honored, blessed and excited all at the same time.   

The Royal Dragonfly Book Award contest is a worldwide book competition that honors excellence in all types of literature, recognizing creativity and hard work for a comprehensive list of genres in 68 categories. The judges are industry experts with specific knowledge about the categories over which they preside.

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