to filmmaker Vohn Regensburger for this wonderful e-mail message about CAKE:
A Love Story, an award-winning short film based on It
Had To Be Us, the romantic memoir my husband and I wrote under the pen names of Harry and Elizabeth Lawrence. This film is now available on Amazon Prime.
producer friend of mine and I watched your short movie, CAKE: A Love Story
depicting your romantic life story and we just loved it! The story was very
endearing and heart-wrenching as it unfolded.
two lead actors, Debra Lord Cooke and Richard Vernon were marvelous playing you
two and were so relatable, funny and heart-felt in their roles. I just thought
all along, “Isn’t this just like love: blue sunny skies and summertime… until
it isn’t!”
felt by the end of the film I was good friends with you as a couple and had
known you both forever. I believe that piece is so hard to accomplish in a
film, let alone a short. I’m so glad you stayed with it and were able to get
this released and shared with the world.
let directors Misha and Vera Zubarev know a job well-done, as well!
Labels: Cake: A Love Story, Debra Lord Cooke, It Had To Be Us, Misha Zubarev, Richard Vernon, Vera Zubarev, Vohn Regensburger
Fwd: More Praise for "Cake: A Love Story"
I'm not surprised -- I enjoyed reading the original memoir: "It Had To Be Us!" -- and when it was turned into a movie, I was blown away. It deserved the AWARDS it got. Betty Jo & Larry, you make a wonderful team! I keep waiting for "the sequel" ... what's holding you up? Love you both, Lola & Pat Griesan #23 GBY
to 'Betty Jo & Larry Tucker - #14' ... the kudos keep coming and coming ... FANTASTIC !
Unknown, At
1:39 PM
Thanks so much for your kind words about CAKE: A Love Story and It Had To Be Us, dear Lola Griesan. Larry and I appreciate your support so much. You and Pat are an inspiration to us. Cheers, as always, from Betty Jo.
Betty Jo, At
5:22 PM
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