Miss Lafalot Makes My Day!
Miss Lafalot, whose laughter is very contagious, wants to spread love and kindness throughout the world. During one of her creative visualization exercises, she asks listeners to “imagine a big smile coming from the earth.” And I love it when she reminds us, “If we practice loving behavior, a whole lot of things open up for us.”
It would be difficult to pick a favorite Four Directions episode, for whenever I tune into Miss Lafalot’s show, it makes my day. (Check out the archived segments at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/misslafalot.)
“Laugh for the health of it,” or “Even laugh for no reason at all,” Miss Lafalot says – and with that permission, I feel free of any negative energy that’s dragging me down. As a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader, Miss Lafalot knows how important laughter can be as a natural way to combat stress and relieve pain. Her sweet, breezy delivery combined with the training she’s received results in a show filled with humor, knowledge, heart and soul. Welcome back, Miss Lafalot!
Labels: BlogTalkRadio, Four Directions Laugh Radio, Laughter Yoga, Miss Lafalot