
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Poet Laureate of Movies

“Fascinating. Always wanted to know which film first inspired the Poet Laureate of Movies."  

Thanks to film critic/poet Richard Jack Smith for tweeting that response to my tweet below about Gosford Park.

“Just found out Gosford Park is available on Netflix! That Robert Altman mystery movie started my film poem obsession. Thanks, Mr. Altman.”

Richard's tweet made me so happy, especially because he writes such terrific film poems of his own! It also reminds me of a lovely comment artist/poet Judy Joy Jones added to my AuthorsDen page last year. 

She wrote,  "If I get to vote for Poet Laureate of Movies, you are in!” 

Judy Joy inspired me to write the poem below, which I dedicated to her.  

A Movie Poet Laureate?
No one is named – at least not yet.
I’d love the role before I go.
An honor it would be, I know.

Movies force me to do the crime
of turning things into a rhyme.
My film poems come to me at night.
I write them down and all seems right.

But if this Post remains unfilled
my review poems will not be stilled.
They’ll keep flowing without regret.
Films will go on -- and I won’t fret.

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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Doris Day: A Place in My Heart

Fans throughout the world are mourning the death of Doris Day who recently passed away at the age of 97. It’s impossible to tell how many people have been touched by her wonderful work as an actress, singer and animal rights activist. And I am lucky to be one of them. In fact, she has a special place in my heart.

This is a true story, even though it seems rather unbelievable. When my husband Larry and I were in high school, our first date was a movie, Romance on the High Seas, starring Doris Day and Jack Carson. After the film, Larry drove to City Park and turned on the car radio. We danced in the silvery moonlight, using the vacant tennis court as our private ballroom. Both of us laughed when we recognized one of the selections being played as “It’s Magic,” a tune from the movie we had just seen – and sung by Doris Day. What a perfect songand performed so beautifully!   

Now fast forward to 37 years later. After being divorced and estranged from Larry for so many years, I was waiting for him to move in with me again. One evening I turned on the television and could hardly believe my eyes and ears. The TCM channel was showing Romance on the High Seas, and Doris Day was singing “It’s Magic” as Larry walked through the door.

I’ll never forget those two magical nights.

Thank you, Doris Day. May you rest in peace.  

Doris Day’s films always cheer me.
Her work on screen is great to see.
Singing, dancing and comedy.

Drama was in her wheelhouse too.
“Midnight Lace” thrilled me through and through.
In real life, her kindness proved true.

Fans share sadness because she’s gone.
But her movies will still be strong.
And her bright light will still shine on.

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Friday, May 10, 2019

Hooray for Fred Astaire


Born on this date was Fred Astaire.

Tapping his feet or jumping in air,

he always looks so debonair.

Dancing with Rita or Ginger,

Cyd Charisse or any dancer,

Fred makes elegance THE answer.

Watching him whirl across the screen

keeps us charmed in every scene.

And thanks to films, he still is seen!

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Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Annette Bening Earns 2019 Tony Nomination

I am happy but not a bit surprised to read of Annette Bening’s recent Tony nomination for her performance in Arthur Miller’s play “All My Sons.” Right before her first Oscar nomination for The Grifters and during my tenure as San Diego Mesa's Dean of Humanities, former student Bening returned to receive a Humanities Award. She also conducted a workshop for drama students. Her enthusiasm for acting delighted everyone!

"My goal is to become an old woman playing all sorts of character parts," she told the students.

Expressing a desire to do Hamlet, Bening reminded the group that Dame Judith Anderson successfully portrayed that traditionally male leading role many years ago.

As an avid Bening fan, I hope her wish comes true. And I’m sending her extra-special good vibes for a Tony win.   

CBS will broadcast the 73rd Annual Tony Awards, hosted by James Corden, on June 9.

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