
Sunday, March 20, 2022

Birthday Poem by Richard Jack Smith

Thanks to film critic and poet Richard Jack Smith for this lovely Birthday Poem he e-mailed me yesterday. It made me very happy! 

Just as life seems brief,

A touching thought occupies this leaf.

What you are cannot be measured

Your goodness shall always be treasured.


Readers follow you on this odyssey

Free from want or jealousy.

Your words have the honesty to inspire

During times when things are dire.


A truly special day

In every possible way.

Without you, the world would be less

Happy Birthday and God bless.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Being Ninety-One

 The poem below contains only two words that are changed from last year’s birthday poem. 


Ninety-one years and I’m still here.

I’ve lived a life of tears and cheer.

I’ve made mistakes, more than a few.

I’ve hurt others – that’s sad but true.


But LOVE and LAUGHS have made me strong.

They helped me be here for this long.

So thanks to all who’ve stood by me.

My good friends, fans, and family.


One could not find a better crew.

So YES, I still love all of you!


Friday, March 11, 2022

Ode to St. Patrick's Day


Ode to St. Patrick’s Day


St. Patrick’s Day is almost here.

Bring on the scones and the green beer.

Of leprechauns, don’t be afraid.

They only want a big parade.

Wearing the green now does no harm.

Cheers to the Irish and their charm!

Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Ukraine Poem


I can’t stop thinking about this horrific invasion. That’s why the poem below came to me.

 Ukraine Poem


Putin starts a dangerous war.

Will he stop or does he want more?

Death and destruction in Ukraine.

Other nations call him insane.

But evil deeds sometimes backfire.

So that’s what we hope and desire.