"Sex and the City: The Movie" earned over fifty million dollars at the box office during the past weekend. Some critics are calling it a “female empowerment event” rather than a movie. They might be right. At the screening I attended, applause rang out every time something good happened, and most viewers (almost entirely women, of course) clapped enthusiastically as the end credits rolled. Audience reaction during the latest Indiana Jones adventure seemed tame compared to the warm reception for this popular chick flick.
Nowadays only a few films are made with women’s interests in mind, so when something like "Sex and the City" shows up, we turn out to see it in droves. We love a good romantic comedy like "My Best Friend’s Wedding," an emotional tear-jerker like "Terms of Endearment" or a female buddy movie like "Thelma & Louise." Filmmakers should take notice of this fact. Wouldn’t it be great if they decided to make more quality films that appeal to women instead of trying to please teenage boys and their dates so much?
On Tuesday, June 3, noted film critic Rebecca Murray will join Nikki Starr and me on “Movie Addict Headquarters” for a discussion of "Sex and the City" and other chick flicks. Rebecca reviews films for About.com, a top ten Internet site which is part of the New York Times. She also conducts celebrity interviews and covers the Academy Awards as well as countless movie premieres and other Hollywood special events.
This BlogTalkRadio show airs at 4 p.m. Eastern Time, 1 p.m. Pacific Time, and an archived segment will also be available. During the live broadcast, listeners are invited to call in with their comments or questions and to participate in the chat. What’s your favorite chick flick? Which actors and actresses perform the best in films of this genre? Did "Sex and the City: The Movie" live up to your expectations? We’d love to hear from you.
Listen to the MAHQ June 3rd episode by clicking on the link below on or after the scheduled time:
Labels: Betty Jo Tucker, BlogTalkRadio, chick flicks, Nikki Starr, Rebecca Murray, Sex and the City