
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Remembering Gilda Radner

Gilda Radner is one of my all-time favorite funny ladies, so it was a pleasure to host Gilda Radner Remembered on BlogTalkRadio yesterday. Guests joining in this special tribute included: Lily Safani, CEO of Gilda's Club in New York City; comedian Nancy Lombardo from Comedy Concepts; and film critic A.J. Hakari, also known as The Mad Movie Man. Lily shared important information about how the Gilda's Club supports people suffering from cancer -- and also talked about "The Gildies, a benefit program taking place in New York on Thursday. Nancy, who's been on Saturday Night Live herself, made us laugh with her imitation of Emily Litella, one of Gilda's famous characters, as well as her comments about Gilda's extraordinary talent. A.J. gave his opinion Haunted Honeymoon, one of Gilda's films, and I reviewed First Family, Hanky Panky and The Woman in Red, three other movies Gilda appeared in. This turned out to be one of my all-time favorite shows! Listen to the archived segment at            

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Tuesday, April 17, 2012


It’s never too early to start thinking about Halloween. So check out THE NEW WITCHES TRILOGY by Debie Torkellson Delany, who created these books after throwing sleepover parties for her daughter that were such a big hit she had to share them with the world. If you’re a Harry Potter fan, you’ll probably love these fun books! Buy THE NEW WITCHES TRILOGY today and receive lots of bonuses. Here’s the link:

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Monday, April 16, 2012


Poet T.S. Elliot wrote, “April is the cruelest month.” I disagree! After all, it begins with April Fool’s Day, so I always think of April as the Comedy Month. That’s why we’re saluting people who make us laugh on Movie Addict Headquarters tomorrow, April 17, at 4 p.m. Eastern Time (1 p.m. Pacific Time). We’ll also be revisiting a couple of original comic bits from this year’s episodes. And we’ll be launching our April book giveaway drawing for autographed copies of CONFESSIONS OF A MOVIE ADDICT, my amusing life story with everything but the movie stuff edited out. Just click on this link for the live show tomorrow or to hear the archived segment after it airs:

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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Willem Dafoe: Early Oscar Contender?

It's only April, I know. But after watching Willem Dafoe's splendid performance in The Hunter, I can't help thinking about the 2012 Oscar race. If Dafoe isn't nominated for Best Actor, I will be very disappointed. Yes, he's been nominated twice before -- for Platoon and for Shadow of the Vampire. Those were both supporting actor nominations. This time, he deserves recognition in the Best Actor category.

In The Hunter, Dafoe seems to transform himself into Martin Davis, a mercenary hired by a bio-tech company to find a supposedly extinct animal. He excels at drawing us into this secret mission and makes Martin a likeable character despite the nature of his job. It's one of Dafoe's best performances ever! Although released on a limited basis this month, The Hunter will probably be available on DVD later this year. So if you're a Dafoe fan, be sure to watch for the DVD.

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Sunday, April 01, 2012

Movie Mockery

Movie Addict Headquarters pokes fun at almost everything on film during a special April Fool episode scheduled for Tuesday, April 3. Film critic A.J. Hakari, the Mad Movie Man, drops by to talk about mockumentaries, spoof films, Mystery Science Theater, and other cinema nonsense. New York-based comedian Nancy Lombardo has also been invited to join in the fun. Discussion will focus on comical movies like YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN, AIRPLANE, THIS IS SPINAL TAP, MEET THE SPARTANS and AUSTIN POWERS. “Movie Mockery” airs on BlogTalkRadio at 4 p.m. Eastern Time (1 p.m. Pacific Time). LINK TO LISTEN:

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