
Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Upcoming BlogTalkRadio Shows

Here's the schedule for MOVIE ADDICT HEADQUARTERS, my BlogTalkRadio show, during the month of September:

September 4: "Balls of Fury" -- Mad Movie Man A.J. Hakari joins me for a discussion of Christopher Walken's outrageous new comedy.

September 11: "3:10 to Yuma" -- Guest film critics John P. McCarthy and Diana Saenger share their reactions concerning the remake of a classic Western.

September 18: "Plagues & Pleasures on the Salton Sea" -- Activist filmmakers Chris Metzler and Jeff Springer talk about their unique documentary plus how they obtained the iconic John Waters as narrator.

September 25: TBA

MOVIE ADDICT HEADQUARTERS broadcasts live on Tuesdays at 4 p.m Eastern Time and runs for 15 minutes. Each program is also available as an archived segment.

If you wish to listen to these shows, just click on the BlogTalkRadio button below.

Happy listening!

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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Humorous Haunting

While reading Jim Gilbert’s very funny novel, "Hosts of Ghosts," I found at least one laugh in every paragraph of its 243 pages. I also couldn’t help thinking what a great comic movie it would make. Of course, as a film critic, I look for the cinematic potential in everything I read.

Just imagine how the following story would look on screen:

Writer Sam Martin, a single father trying to raise his young son and maintain his career, faces some very unusual obstacles, to say the least. Son Peter is gifted (or cursed?) with the ability to call up and command the spirits of the dead. Adding to his problems, Sam has decided to move into a haunted house – and he’s attempting to keep all this from his new girlfriend, who just happens to be the local law enforcement officer. The titular “hosts of ghosts” pester Sam relentlessly. They keep him from sleeping, play practical jokes on him and interfere with his budding romance. How I would love to see Jack Black playing Sam in the movie adaptation!

Are you listening, filmmakers? To order a copy of this supernatural adventure comedy, which won the 2001 Dream Realm Award, go to the publisher’s website at

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Thursday, August 16, 2007

More Cinematic Possibilities

Surviving domestic abuse, Lori Forsyth manages to forge a new life for herself in “Strong Arms of the Law,” a riveting novel by Vickie Kennedy. Like Kennedy’s “The Hidden Truth of Cytech’s Randall Forty,” this story cries out for a film adaptation.

I think “Strong Arms of the Law” would make a very successful Lifetime movie. Why? Because it’s of special interest to women and boasts some exceptionally romantic – and very steamy! – love scenes. The timely story focuses on an emotionally and physically wounded woman who suffered horrible brutality at the hands of one man and finally escapes his clutches, then moves to another town. While working as a waitress there, she meets handsome policeman Tony Lanier, who becomes quite smitten with her. But Lori feels she can’t trust anyone, especially men, and harbors secrets she fears to share. Reading about the true love that develops between these two fascinating characters emerged as the highlight of this well-written novel for me, and I couldn’t help picturing Natalie Portman and Aaron Eckhart as the appealing lovers in the movie version.

“Strong Arms of the Law” also delivers a valuable message about the devastation caused by domestic abuse. But it offers hope in the form of a heroine who finds the courage to take action and begin anew. For more information about this intriguing book, go to

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Thursday, August 02, 2007

Oscar, Are You Listening?

If Christian Bale fails to receive an Academy Award nomination for his brilliant work in “Rescue Dawn,” it will be a big disappointment to me. Bale deserves recognition for his riveting performance in this outstanding film, which is based on a true story and deftly directed by Werner Herzog.

Bale portrays Dieter Dengler, a pilot whose plane is shot down over Laos during the beginning of the Vietnam War. After being captured and held prisoner, Dieter makes a daring escape through the jungle before being rescued. Showing great range of emotion here, Bale drew me into the terrifying situations his character faced, and I cared deeply about him.

Am I surprised at the quality of acting Bale displays in this movie? Absolutely not! He has impressed me with each performance, going all the way back to his childhood days in “Empire of the Sun,” my favorite Steven Spielberg movie. Bale may be known primarily for “Batman Begins,” but “Rescue Dawn” should bring him even greater acclaim.

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